Note: Completion of club President, Secretary, and Treasurer officer training is required to be eligible for LCI’s Club Excellence Award.

2024-2025 Officer Training –

You couldn’t attend Lions University or the previous 2 Zoom Training Sessions?
> Then do the following to earn your credit! <

Club Presidents:

LCI Presidents Web Page Link

  1. Register and complete the USA/Canada Lions University courses 104, 121, 125, and 131 found at and save your course certificate pdf files. 
  2. Then review the “Club President and First Vice President” e-book, the DA-MCS Standard Club Structure, the Board Policy Manual – Section A Obligations of Chartered Clubs, and LA-2 By-Laws Article III Duties of Officers sections 1,3, and 4 and other items found below (click on the links).
  3. And finally, email your bachelor’s course completion certificate copies to me at, along with your stating that you have reviewed all the appropriate LU documents.
  4. When received, I can give you credit as being trained for this Lion year.