Each year, the Lions Clubs of Texas sponsor four major contests for youth, providing awards for each. Competition begins at the club level, progresses to the District Level and culminates at the State Convention each year, when contestants from all Districts compete for the right to University/College scholarships.  These programs are listed below along with their contest rules and applications. Please note that if a student wishes to enter multiple contests, an application package must be filled out for each contest. Beginning this year, most contests require that the student fill out the application form online, print it out, sign it, and then following the rules in getting all the paperwork signed off.  He or she should work with their club and District to make sure all requirements for the contest have been met.

The Official State Rules for each contest can be found on the Opportunities For Youth Page of the Texas State MD-2 Website here. For detailed information, this page lists the State Contacts for each competition who can answer questions.